How To Keep Food Items Safe During Shipping?


Shipping goods is always a tricky affair. There is a fear of theft or accidental damage due to unfavourable weather conditions, improper packaging, and more. The apprehensions are more in the case of shipping food items because a small error can prove disastrous. So, if you are in a business that deals with the shipping of food items, you can indeed keep such items safe during shipping by following some simple tips. So, here we go.

Use real-time monitoring devices

During shipping, there can be unexpected delays that can spoil your food items such as fresh fruits, cheese, fishes, and so on. So, it is essential to ensure that these items are shipped in a temperature-controlled environment. However, the system may malfunction can then things can become scary! The food items in their respective packaging may appear perfectly alright from outside but will become unfit for consumption when the malfunction in the temperature-control system exceeds more than two hours. So, use real-time monitoring devices that employ the latest technology to effectively monitor the temperature of your food items during transit.

Go for hygienic bulk containers

Sometimes, in spite of having a temperature-control environment, food items are considered unsafe due to food contamination. This kind of scenario occurs when little attention is paid to hygiene. Remember, a food item can get contaminated because of coming across a contaminated surface which may be the packaging box or container that you are using for shipping. So, go for bulk containers that are devoid of any sidewall gaps, holes or any hidden corners where germs can breed. Choose those that are available with lids fitted by rubber straps.

Several manufacturers and suppliers are there who offer hygienic plastic bulk containers that have a smooth and easy-to-clean surface. These containers are specially designed to meet the demands of the food industry.


Ways To Boost Your Warehouse Efficiency


If you are a warehouse manager, it is likely that you are looking for ways to boost its efficiency. You may be using warehouse management software, but there is still scope for improvement. Pay attention to little things like the kind of pallets you are using, hygiene, and space optimization has the potential to make a remarkable difference. So, let’s have a look to know about these ways.

Stack in columns

While stacking the load, stack in columns to ensure improved stability. The heaviest load should be at the bottom while the lightest at the top. They should be in some order so that warehouse professionals can easily retrieve any load (if needed) without unloading the entire load or causing load destabilization.

Keep the space clean

Keep the warehouse clean to be in compliance with strict hygiene standards. A clean warehouse also means a positive workplace, essential to boost the overall efficiency. Not only space, but you should also clean and sanitize the pallets used for loading or storing merchandise. Use plastic pallets because they are easy-to-clean property and offer resistance to most chemicals.

Space optimization

Whether it is the optimization of space or time, efficiency improvement is guaranteed. In a warehouse, you can use nestable and stackable pallets for your merchandise to stack more load in less space. At the same time, even the empty nestable pallets will occupy less space. You can use the remaining space to store more merchandise or for some other useful purpose.

So, implement all the ways, and you will surely experience a boost that was desired for long. For stackable, hygienic and nestable pallets, contact a genuine manufacturer and supplier of plastic pallets. Located in Wembley, Beecraft (UK) Ltd is one such manufacturer cum supplier. To know more or to get a quote for plastic pallets, visit


Tips To Sanitize Plastic Pallets In A Proper Manner


Gone are the days when wooden pallets were looked upon as the preferred means to transport goods. Over the years, plastic pallets have largely replaced them across the world. Contrary to their wooden counterparts that can’t be washed by water, it is easier to wash plastic pallets by both mechanical and automated means. However, sanitizing the same require some essential steps to follow. This is why the process is generally done to those to be used in international shipments as norms are their extremely rigid. So, let us find some essential tips to sanitize plastic pallets in a proper manner.

  • It is always best to use a substance for disinfection which exhibits demonstrated abilities to kill microbes within a specific period of time.
  • During sanitizing, refrain from using harsh chemicals as any residue of the same left on the surface may lead to contamination of the loaded food items.
  • For the sake of drying, never place a sanitized pallet in a trailer or carrier which is not properly disinfected.
  • It is a recommended move to inspect the sanitized plastic pallets manually before approving them for use in shipping goods.

Sanitization implies that all the microorganisms are completely eradicated. Plastic pallets must be sanitized properly in order to ensure the safety of loaded goods. Before sanitization, make sure that they are free of any unusual bumps or edges because unless they have an absolutely smooth surface, proper disinfection will prove difficult.


Most people engaged in the logistics business of storage and transport of goods by using plastic pallets use a third-party service for proper sanitization of the same. The sanitization should be done in a proper way or else the safety of goods; especially if they are food items can get severely compromised. So, if you are in the logistics business and looking for hygienic plastic pallets that feature a smooth surface and structural integrity, contact a renowned manufacturer and supplier of such pallets. There are manufacturers who even supply custom made pallets out of quality plastic in various designs and colors. To know more, visit

Why Plastic Pallets Are Perfect For High-End Displays?


Are you a store owner or someone working in a retail store? Is there any in-store promotion on the cards? If yes, apart from being busy in getting your coupons and vouchers printed, you will also need high-end displays. During an in-store promotion, a need for attractive product displays always arises. Most people earlier used wooden pallets to create such displays because they gave a rustic appearance and feel. However, with changing times, they are largely replaced by their plastic counterparts. Let’s find out the reasons below.


One of the major reasons for which plastic pallets are now being used for creating high-end displays during in-store promotions is their strength. You can stack a number of products to be displayed in attractive plastic containers on a plastic pallet. Of course, you must choose a heavy-duty pallet for the same. Keep the number of containers in a stack within the prescribed limit to ensure the safety of your products. Unlike wooden counterparts, these plastic pallets are not susceptible to accidental breakage.


Your product display must be attractive enough to draw customers towards them. Plastic pallets, unlike wooden ones, are available in various attractive colours such as red, blue, yellow, and so on. Moreover, it is possible to order plastic pallets in custom colours to match your brand colour or to create the right visual contrast from a custom pallet manufacturer.


These pallets last for many years even if these are subjected to regular use. So, using such pallets prove cost-effective in the long run. Not only you can use these to store or transport your products, but also these can be easily cleaned to put in use to create a product display within no time. You can either clean these pallets manually or by an automated mechanism as per your convenience.

So, if you are eager to have some high-end product displays for your in-store promotion, get in touch with Beecraft, a UK-based manufacturer and supplier of plastic pallets and plastic containers along with a range of plastic industrial safety products. For more information or to put an order, please visit

Plastic Pallets Ensure Safe Material Handling & Storage

bch1bEarlier wooden pallets were the first choice for domestic and international shipments. They enjoyed high demand in warehouses for material handling and storage. After all, warehouses are not an ideal workplace due to continual movement of heavy materials, a possibility of leaks from stored containers, slip, trip, and fall. However, things have changed gradually. Nowadays, most people engaged in the supply chain business prefer to use plastic pallets sourced from a reliable supplier or manufacturer. There are various reasons behind the same. If you a warehouse manager or in the logistics business know how these pallets ensure safe material handling and storage

Less muscular strain and injuries

Muscular sprains and injuries are common when warehouse professionals have to lift considerable weight repeatedly and move them from one place to another. A standard wooden pallet weighs approximately around 33-48 pounds while a standard plastic pallet weighs approximately between 3-15 pounds.

Plastic pallets including the heavy duty ones weigh lighter than wooden pallets of same size and type. So, these inflict less muscular strain and related injuries like muscle spasm, muscle inflammation, and much more.

Normally, two people must lift a weight if it is more than 50 pounds. If you are a warehouse manager, you may know that these aspects of work safety are often ignored. So, the lightweight property of plastic pallets makes it easier for one person to lift it without having any problems.

Wound prevention and ease of cleaning

Since plastic pallets are made by injection moulding rather than using nails to hold together different parts, these pallets have a smooth surface. These pallets do not cause cuts or bruises during material handling. The absence of nails also helps in easy cleaning because there is limited or no scope for dust accumulation in the corners. Ease of cleaning, in turn, ensures safe storage of goods due to the elimination of the fear of contamination especially in case of storage of edible food items.

Overall, plastic pallets ensure safe material handling and storage of goods. Moreover, there are manufacturers cum suppliers like Beecraft UK Ltd who can offer these pallets in customized designs and colours to meet your specific logistics needs.


How To Get Custom Plastic Pallets For Branding Your Logistics Business?

Custom Plastic Pallets

Are you looking for custom plastic pallets for your logistics business? If yes, there are many things that you can do to have the same. Using custom pallets with your business logo or name imprinted is an impressive way to do branding without much expense. It may seem that custom pallets will make no difference, but when your clients will get their ordered shipment loaded on custom pallets with your brand name, they will become more aware of your business. Over the years, there will be successful brand reinforcement. So, let’s explore the numerous ways you can get custom plastic pallets for branding your logistics business.

Contact a custom plastic pallet supplier

Probably the easiest way is to search over the web or ask others who use such pallets. Make a list of suppliers or manufacturers of custom plastic pallets. It does not matter whether you need injection-molded pallets or blow molded pallets, you will certainly get your desired type of plastic pallets from them.

Start designing your own custom pallet

There are several software applications that can allow you to create a 3D design of a pallet that you think will be appropriate for your branding. You can also hire a designer having experience in technical drawing to design a custom pallet. It is best to have your objectives clear so that the end product can prove beneficial for you. For example, if your logistics business involves transportation of heavy-weight goods, designing a light-weight plastic pallet will be of no use.

Work in tandem with a custom plastic pallet manufacturer

You can also choose to work in tandem with a chosen plastic pallet manufacturer and ensure that you get the right load capacity, color, design, and branding. There are many who give customized solutions. You can also choose to have your custom pallet by recycling used plastic. Beecraft UK Ltd is one such manufacturer and supplier of custom plastic pallets. To know more or get a quote, please visit


Advantages of Plastic Pallets in Food-Processing Industry


Industries engaged in food processing takes slaughtered or harvested food components as ingredients to manufacture marketable food products. For example, potato chips, sausage roll, ready-to-eat meals, and so on. Over the years, a new trend has emerged in the food-processing industry, and it is the replacement of wooden pallets by plastic pallets. The reasons are several. Some of them are as follows:

Hygienic & easy-to-clean

Hygiene is always a matter of paramount importance in the food processing industry. It is easy to clean plastic pallets both manually and by an automated mechanism which proves ideal for maintaining a high standard of hygiene. This is an advantage in an industry where raw food items are processed on a daily basis. Also with a smooth finish, there is little room for the growth of bacteria or fungus which rules out any chances of food contamination.

Suitable for automation

When most food-processing units are thinking about embracing automation to eliminate any need for unnecessary human intervention during the processing stage, plastic pallets prove suitable.

Since plastic pallets are manufactured by injection molding process, they are relatively more consistent than wooden pallets in terms of weight, size, and shape. A wooden pallet may have some inconsistencies or imperfections that make them unsuitable for automation.

Lightweight & space saving

For any industry, lightweight and compact pallets mean savings in shipping cost and warehouse or factory space. In the food processing industry too, plastic pallets because of these properties have become a favorite of the industry insiders. Also, trucks which have to haul lighter loads use less fuel which means some incredible savings in transportation cost.

Easy to customize

There are several manufacturers who manufacture pallet to meet the unique demands of the food and beverage industry. So, you can find plastic pallets which can be color coded. This facilitates easy identification of pallets storing or transporting specific food items like allergenic ingredients. Also, it is possible to customize their rims or use RFID tags for easily locating them within the supply chain.

So, if you own a food processing unit, consider buying plastic pallets to avail its advantages. You can source lightweight and durable hygienic food grade pallets from one of the largest manufacturer and supplier of plastic pallets and plastic crates in the United Kingdom. To know more, visit


How To Refine Your Search For The Right Plastic Pallet Selection?


It can’t be any worse if you have to regret for a product you had purchased with your hard earned money. The reasons for this can be several, most common being ignoring your needs prior to purchasing the product. Just like any other item, this logic holds true for plastic pallets selection as well.

If you are in the supply chain business, plastic pallets are mandatory throughout the logistics process. Hence, the safety and well-being of your products greatly depend on the plastic pallets you choose. Your decision to select a particular type of pallet must be driven by some crucial factors. Inability to comprehend the application needs of your pallet most of the times lead to an unworthy purchase.

To help you purchase the correct pallet apt for your desired business application, here are some guidelines to follow.

1. Think deep about the pallet’s application – Deciding the application will help you to get an idea about the size, material, weight, type, durability and other specifications pertaining to the pallet. All these factors play a role in directing you to the right pallet with the respective price. Do not base your decision entirely on the cost of the pallets. This will make you lose track of the actual application needs. Remember, you need a pallet that will fit all your application specifications.

2. What would be the weight of products – Give a thought to the weight of the products that a pallet needs to transport or store. For heavy products you need heavy-duty pallets whereas for others you need lightweight or medium weight pallets. In case you buy a pallet that is not robust enough to bear the weight of your products, it won’t last long and will be a wastage of money.

3. How do you want your pallets to be stored and handled – The type of pallets you should buy depends on the way your products to be handled or stored. If they need to be racked, you need nestable or stackable pallets. In order to be able to lift them using a forklift and other material handling equipment, they have to be full-perimeter and rackable in design. So, choose the structure and design of the pallet carefully.

4. Know the nature of your products – If you deal in perishable, pharmaceutical, farm produce, dairy, meat or other edible products, you need pallets made with food grade plastic which are resistant to bacteria and inert to moisture or other elements of weather. They should also be designed for proper ventilation, water drainage and can be cleaned frequently.

Hence, following all these instructions will help you find the ideal plastic pallet for your business without any risk of wrong purchase and monetary loss. For plastic pallets of greatest range in type and application, Beecraft UK Ltd is your convenient go-to online store. It supplies best quality plastic pallets at wholesale rates.

Food & Beverage Industry Opting For Plastic Pallets & Crates


“Each and every member of the food industry, from farm to fork, must create a culture where food safety and nutrition is paramount.”

The above quote by Bill Marler, a food safety attorney speaks volume about the significance of safety in the food industry. But this is true for the beverage industry too. Professionals working in this industry are well aware of this fact. In recent years, the shift is toward plastic pallets and crates. Earlier, wooden ones were popular across the globe for storage and transportation of goods of all types. The decision of the major shift has been taken only after developing a detailed understanding of the benefits of replacing wooden pallets and crates with their plastic counterparts.

One of the strong reasons to opt for these pallets and crates is undoubtedly the ever-increasing concern over hygiene. Also, the food safety standards have become stringent in recent years which has prompted the industry key decision makers to opt for plastic pallets and crates. Unlike wood which is not easy to clean or one can say can prove to be an active breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, and more, pallets and crates made out of plastic are easy to clean both manually and by automated mechanisms. Some of the other valid reasons behind hygiene are as follows:

Ease in material handling

Better handling of materials is a necessity as food and beverage industry has to transport edible items to far off places in the supply chain. Wooden pallets or crates can break due to repeated use, especially during forklift. A sudden damage of pallets and crates carrying food can not only cause injuries to workers involved in material handling but can also cause heavy losses. Plastic crates and pallets being made by the injection moulding technique proves far more durable and rule out any such accidents during material handling.

Repels water

Plastic has an intrinsic quality of repelling water which is a boon for many industries including the food and beverage one to ensure safe transport of food and beverage items over a distance. Whether they need to transport packaged or unpackaged food items, manufacturers have started creating pallets and crates that are made to cater to the specific requirements of the food and beverage industry. It is a proven fact that moisture can spoil food. So plastic pallets and crates have become a favorite among all.

So, if you are a food supplier or someone engaged in the food logistics, switch to these plastic pallets and crates to avail the multiple benefits.

Various Types Of Plastic Containers For Transporting Goods

Multinest Crates

Containers are inevitable to transport goods. For those who are in supply chain business greatly depend on containers for the safe transportation of their products. But not all containers are suitable for every type of products. There are different types of containers available to securely carry various products.

Nowadays plastic containers have overruled wooden pallets due to several reasons. They are more reliable because of their customizable nature and others factors like durability, smooth surfaces, easily washable without the risk of mold formation, exemption from ISPM15 regulation, and others.


Let us see what are some of the different types of plastic containers that are used for conveniently transporting and storing goods.

Stackable containers – These are sturdy and made of high-quality materials. They are an extremely economical option as they can be used for a prolonged period of time due to their durability. These containers are mostly non-sensitive to alkaline solutions and acids, resistant to varying extreme temperatures, and are available in suitable sizes. The most important highlight of these containers is that they are easy to handle due to ergonomic handles. They are also suitable for conveyor systems. Stackable containers as the name suggests can be placed one on top of the other. Hence, they occupy minimum surface space and reduce transportation costs.

Nestable containers – These plastic containers are used in a variety of applications mainly in food, retail and catering industries for common storage and transportation. Nestable containers which can be stacked one on top of the other are like molded plastic tubs with improved sidewall configurations for adding strength to them. They are available in many color options and are often made from recyclable and food-grade plastic. They are mostly well ventilated and make custom logo or print embossing or their removal easy.

Foldable containers – These containers can be used to transport any kind of products. The best feature of these containers is their foldable nature. When empty during the return journey they can be folded. This helps in saving space and transportation costs. They are very sturdy in build and have a lot of space for storage of goods. They offer a lot of benefits like easy filling and emptying of goods, reusable, safe due to their sturdiness, and also very hygienic because they are non-corrosive and washable. Due to their collapsible construction they are an economic option. Some of the designs also include lids for better prevention of product contamination.

Storage and transportable without containers are impossible. Hence, there is stiff competition among plastic container manufacturers. Many of them make their containers or pallets with recyclable plastic which is even environmentally safe. However, plastic containers have become a savior for businesses for their safe and economic features. Beecraft U.K Ltd is the largest manufacturer of plastic crates, containers and pallets supplying its products to a wide range of industries. They have stackable/Euro, nestable and foldable containers available in customizable options in various sizes for unique industry requirements.