Tips To Sanitize Plastic Pallets In A Proper Manner


Gone are the days when wooden pallets were looked upon as the preferred means to transport goods. Over the years, plastic pallets have largely replaced them across the world. Contrary to their wooden counterparts that can’t be washed by water, it is easier to wash plastic pallets by both mechanical and automated means. However, sanitizing the same require some essential steps to follow. This is why the process is generally done to those to be used in international shipments as norms are their extremely rigid. So, let us find some essential tips to sanitize plastic pallets in a proper manner.

  • It is always best to use a substance for disinfection which exhibits demonstrated abilities to kill microbes within a specific period of time.
  • During sanitizing, refrain from using harsh chemicals as any residue of the same left on the surface may lead to contamination of the loaded food items.
  • For the sake of drying, never place a sanitized pallet in a trailer or carrier which is not properly disinfected.
  • It is a recommended move to inspect the sanitized plastic pallets manually before approving them for use in shipping goods.

Sanitization implies that all the microorganisms are completely eradicated. Plastic pallets must be sanitized properly in order to ensure the safety of loaded goods. Before sanitization, make sure that they are free of any unusual bumps or edges because unless they have an absolutely smooth surface, proper disinfection will prove difficult.


Most people engaged in the logistics business of storage and transport of goods by using plastic pallets use a third-party service for proper sanitization of the same. The sanitization should be done in a proper way or else the safety of goods; especially if they are food items can get severely compromised. So, if you are in the logistics business and looking for hygienic plastic pallets that feature a smooth surface and structural integrity, contact a renowned manufacturer and supplier of such pallets. There are manufacturers who even supply custom made pallets out of quality plastic in various designs and colors. To know more, visit