How To Select Pallets for Safe International Shipping?

10460454_1604071203188650_3262587072234083934_nPallets are an indispensable part and parcel of the transportation industry. However, selection of pallets for safe international shipping is not an easier task. If you select durable and expensive pallets for international shipping, the safety of goods will be not ensured until you consider several points.

Some of the key considerations are the following ones:

Pallet Dimension

The pallet dimension in North America can be different from that of European pallet dimensions. Likewise, this can be different on other continents. So, when you are going to select pallets for international shipping, the rule of the thumb is to select the pallets with a dimension sanctioned by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The organization has standardized the pallet dimensions after consultation with several technical experts.

Treated pallets

For shipment of goods, treated pallets are used over untreated pallets. The aim is to restrict an epidemic spread due to wood pests or insects from one nation to other during shipping. Usually, heat treated wooden pallets are preferred, but you can also use plastic pallets sourced from a reliable supplier. Easy to clean, plastic pallets do not require any such heat treatment. Unlike wet wooden pallets that encourage the growth of fungus, lightweight plastic pallets are more hygienic.

Durable pallets

Nobody desires their goods reach their destination on broken pallets. So, it is vital to select durable pallets. While wooden pallets are the norm, an increasing number of companies have now switched to plastic pallets that are more durable in comparison to the wooden pallets.

Last but not the least, research work is of paramount importance. Selection of the right pallets also depends on the types of goods that you want to ship abroad with safety. If they are required to transport hazardous or corrosive liquids, plastic pallets are the best as they rule out the possibility of cross-contamination. Also, plastic pallets are available in a large variety of different sizes.

So, if you are looking for the best pallets for safe international shipping, look no further than Beecraft UK Ltd is one of the largest suppliers of plastic pallets of a vast range.