Plastic Pallets – Way of the Future

For decades, wooden pallets had served as the standard flag bearer for industrial storage and transportation. This was owing to their many advantages. Wooden pallets served as a standard unit for measurement to companies which in turn a dual purpose. They helped with ease in calculating the total amount of goods in weight that needed to be stored or transported. Furthermore, owing to the ease with which the number of goods could be so easily determined, the cost of storage or transportation could also be in turn easily obtained.

However, the trend of storing and transporting industrial goods now is rapidly shifting towards plastic pallets. When it comes to enviable advantages, plastic pallets score over wooden pallets in myriad ways and some of them have been discussed in brief below –

Plastic pallets are substantially more durable than wooden pallets

When it comes to shelf life, plastic pallets outscore wooden pallets by miles. Wooden pallets had a lesser shelf life which meant higher costs for the company. In this regard, plastic pallets enable companies to reduce their costs considerably.

Plastic pallets are easier to use

Plastic pallets may be so designed such that they come fitted with accessories to facilitate activities such as docking, undocking or even simple handling of the goods. There are readymade models from which companies may choose what best fits their needs – open deck, one-way export pallets etc.

Plastic pallets are easier to clean than wooden pallets

Owing to the porous nature of wooden pallets, they are prone to very quickly get contaminated by the products which they carry. Compared to that, plastic pallets do not get contaminated easily and can be cleaned readily with any common washing equipment.

Plastic pallets are easily customizable

Goods come in various shapes and sizes so transporting them can present its own set of challenges if they are not properly packaged to withstand the rigor of extended travel. Plastic pallets score an undeniable advantage here over wooden pallets in that they can be easily customized to perfectly fit the products they will be carrying which also lead to lowering of costs for the company.

To know more about lightweight plastic pallets, please visit